Krishna Software Inc.
"...simply wonderful"
Krishna Software (also known as Krishnasoft) is mainly dedicated to
producing computer programs on CDROMs that are helpful to human society in
becoming happy and peaceful. Our research and development focuses on multimedia
CDROM presentations of spiritual subjects (Bhagavad Gita CD, Krsna CD,
Srimad-Bhagavatam CD, etc.). The spiritual subject matter is based on
philosophy, science and religion coming down from the ancient Vedic
civilization. We also carry an Indian language transliterator for Sanskrit,
Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, and Punjabi. Our products are for Windows 3.x, Windows
'95, Windows '98, and Windows Me/NT.
- Multimedia Srimad-Bhagavatam
CD- This is a 35-hour audio-visual presentation of the Srimad-Bhagavatam.
- Multimedia Bhagavad-gita
As It Is CD- This is a 30-hour audio-visual spiritual journey through the
- Multimedia Krsna CD w/Vedic
Astronomy - This is a 51-hour audio-visual experience of Krsna lila from
the Krsna Book AND a
tour on Vedic Astronomy based on the Srimad-Bhagavatam. A
portable Vedic Planetarium! [Free 5 minute demo].
- Books - Description of
some of the most important spiritual and philosophical books. These are
written by Srila Prabhupada and published by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- Hindi Word Processor -
A multi-lingual word processor to allow typing of Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati,
Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, Latin, and English. [Free demo version].
- Multi-platform Software - Interfacing software and hardware for Amiga, Atari, etc.
- Ordering information
- How to place an order for Krishnasoft products.
- Technical Support for
Multimedia Gita CD, Krsna CD and Bhagavatam CD - Frequently asked
questions and downloadable upgrades.
Your feedback and comments are valuable to us; please send E-Mail to: or mailto:virender@krishnasoft.comor
KrishnaSoft's Electronic Newsletters:
Keep in touch with the science of Krsna consciousness. Write us an email if you want to subscribe to this free newsletter. *We used to create a newsletter every month, but currently only write a newsletter when there is a new product or upgrade to introduce and/or some emergency(s); we have lots of notes/research but currently awaiting someone that can assist us in putting it into publishable computer format or posting them on other internet websites. The author of 2022 newsletter had a series of dreams (first one on 2/28/2022) and received a mystery gift (via fedex) indicating there was someone coming to help us with adding/publishing articles for part 2 of our 2022 newsletter. This is described in the My Dream and Mystery Gift private files. We will continue to post/update at our pace until more help arrives. We have lots of computers (laptops/tablets) as well that are perfectly equipped with what you need to help Krishnasoft's mission and/or for your own enlightenment. Only qualification you need is having similar interest as us as far as philosophy/math/religion goes and be unvaccinated or being purged of any vaccine (if possible) as being vaccinated would create a conflict of interest with part of our currently ongoing research for which we have written many notes. You do NOT have to know religion/philosophy/math but have interest in it as knowledge will be given to you (or will come to you) if and when you need it. Two heads are better than one as proven w/math in Two Heads private file so any other issues can be worked out. Arrangements can be made so if you are in tri-state (NY/NJ/CT) area we can come stay with you for some time and/or vice-versa or alternate to help execute the goal and reduce travel time/costs. We will provide you with the written notes and/or incomplete computer files and a laptop so you will also have access to more of our research in math, science, philosophy, etc. than that's published above. You will also have access to all of our private files. We can also publish your own story/ataricle if it's compatible with the Vedic view. We can help verify it and/or help edit it to make it compatible with Vedic scriptures which are 100% deductive and realized in conjunction with bhakti-yoga (SB 2.9.31). We try to email/post our newsletter(s)/supporting documents once we have organized it into a computer text and html format that's readable for everyone with a computer or tablet/smart phone independent of operating system (OS) and version of the OS or capabilities of the internet browser. If interested in an interview, or to set up a meeting at a neutral site, or to subscribe to our newsletter, or if you have an article to publish related to what we have published write to: or or
Most of our callers and emailers are robots/scammers/spammers abusing our email/phone service many times a week without leaving a message or scammers/head hunters sending bogus emails and emails never getting to us because they have bogged down our email server which itself is using bad algorithm/restrictions which we have no control over. Make sure to leave a message as to who or what department you are trying to contact and at least your name or organization; for example, "this is 'Jiato', I am trying to reach Tech-support." If you have a problem getting through to us using our regular phone number/email address or have to contact us privately for setting up appointment for interview/lecture, or other serious matter, use the SECURE Paypal button "Private Call/Email" below; it's $0.25 (quarter) to $1.08 depending on location. This was done to avoid robo-calls spamming us and filling up our voicemail/email server because they have nothing better to do. We will provide you with secure phone number that is spam-free and/or private email address to use that is not filtered for spam! This phone number/email is not listed on our websites so it cannot be spammed [yet]. You will be refunded after the private phone call or email conversation is over. You can still call us at our regular number 732-549-3097 and email but no guarantee you will get a response as we may never receive your call or email or it may get rejected/reported as fraud if it appears to be a scam.
Paypal orders for LAVA ($19.99) use button below and the file(s) are delivered via your paypal email id and this is done through paypal's secure server so you will not get any viruses; also note that our files are 100% text or our own HTML code so no binary files can be attached which would be required for viruses to replicate.
Click to download demo from Multimedia
Krsna CDROM.
All software is (C) 1993-2023 Krishna Software Inc. Book promotional
pictures/quotes on this home page are copyright (c) Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
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